Use "escalation|escalations" in a sentence

1. Silent assassin walkthrough of the seeger Beguilement escalation covering level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5Hitman - Level 5 of All Escalations:

2. A client receives an escalation request associated with a first roster and responds to the escalation request.

3. This escalation in arms automatically means an escalation in fatalities and casualties, whether by crime or by accident.

4. A fix price contract with escalation.

5. The threat of nuclear escalation remains.

6. Call Barging is very functional for de-escalation

7. Escalation has conceptual affinities with bargaining theory.

8. Escalation of Anti-Abortion Conflict and Violence

9. Higher wages caused an escalation of prices.

10. This is a fix - price contract with escalation.

11. Usually this is the result of confrontational escalation.

12. A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.

13. But escalation is not usually associated with adult sexuality.

14. htm:escalation(escalationname).receivers% is bound to the escalation receivers of the escalation with the specified name in the scope of the current task instance.

15. Because of the hierarchical escalation function no alarm will get lost.

16. In other words there is a grave risk of escalation.

17. None can afford an escalation of subsidies on agriculture exports.

18. The risks of an escalation to nuclear war were small.

19. Suzy: And Kashmir is Islamic, right? So how did this escalation happen?

20. It's difficult to explain the recent escalation in/of violent crime.

21. In systems theory, the process of conflict escalation is modeled by positive feedback.

22. 9. (a) What resulted from the escalation of violence in Noah’s day?

23. The escalation of your complaint will be acknowledged within five business days.

24. Bush denounced what he called Russia's dramatic and brutal escalation of violence.

25. Such reports in a popular newspaper endorse a general belief in escalation.

26. According to David S. Goyer, the primary theme of The Dark Knight is escalation.

27. But rather than sating desires, it seemed to fuel them toward even more escalation.

28. While inflationary pressures abated in the majority of African countries, price escalations were observed in a few countries, including Mozambique and Sierra Leone.

29. 24 Suzy: And Kashmir is Islamic, right? So how did this escalation happen?

30. 91% of the Dutch population blamed the Turkish government for the incident's escalation.

31. Additional escalation strategies for respiratory support include non-invasive ventilation prior to intubation.

32. 1 Any unexpected circumstance that arises may catalyze a sudden escalation of violence.

33. Synonyms for Burgeonings include increase, rises, addition, growth, surges, increments, buildups, escalation, expansion and increasements

34. All cost estimates employ some escalation factor to account for labour and materials inflation.

35. The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War.

36. These attacks represent a clear escalation of terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip.

37. 19 Suzy: And Kashmir is Islamic,[] right? So how did this escalation happen?

38. Prevent escalations and limitless call transfers by providing on-the-spot redressal to customer grievances with the Call Barging feature offered by CallHippo

39. While inflationary pressures abated in the majority of African countries, price escalations were observed in a few countries, including Mozambique and Sierra Leon.

40. The Aegis System™ specializes in non-violent crisis de-escalation and prevention techniques

41. He also spoke out repeatedly against the escalation of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

42. The contract value shall be reviewed every two years and adjusted for price escalation accordingly

43. Synonyms for Accumulating include increase, accumulation, multiplication, proliferation, addition, mushrooming, growth, augmentation, expansion and escalation

44. This experience supports the Appositeness of the de-escalation of care asserted by the guidelines

45. Synonyms for Buildups include accruals, accumulation, backlogs, collections, development, enlargement, escalation, expansion, growth and logjams

46. Charles Security Bulletin for a local privilege escalation in Charles 4.2 and 3.12.1 and earlier

47. The contract value shall be reviewed every 2 years and adjusted for price escalation accordingly.

48. The contract value should be reviewed every two years and adjusted for price escalation accordingly.

49. Antonyms for Armings include disarmament, demilitarizations, de-escalation, demobilizations, conquest, cripplings, disablement, disqualifications, freezes and

50. The contract value shall be reviewed every two years and adjusted for price escalation accordingly.

51. Controlled escalation, if required, and dominance over the threat, if necessary, were the guiding precepts.

52. The full costs of replacement , including improvement and escalation , were to be charged to the depreciation fund .

53. It must either abandon its initial position (with a consequent loss of authority) or consider escalation.

54. Instead of escalation, Clinton's preferred tactic had been to scale back the patrols to avoid clashes.

55. For 30 year international petroleum price undulation is fierce, the overall assumes the trend of escalation.

56. New buyers failed to arrive, and the property price escalation that fueled the land boom stopped.

57. Neediness is an escalation of desire at a critical juncture in the relationship or in its pursuit.

58. Thereout, put forward a veracious, authoritative, timely mode for negative news report on the principle of openness, moderation, escalation.

59. Bloodhound is a network tool that maps the possible privilege escalation attack paths in an active directory domain

60. Although the absolute number of HIV infections is low, there is the potential for escalation of the disease.

61. The increase in demand has a direct effect on the escalation of the technology used in the toys.

62. Rivière's seizure of Nam Định marked a significant escalation of French ambitions in Tonkin, and had important consequences.

63. Its first ascent in 1882 saw the start of the escalation of climbing standards in no uncertain manner.

64. Further diagnostic escalation should be done in unspecific and urgent cases of abdominal pain after consulting a specialist.

65. Bubble: A Bubble is an economic cycle characterized by rapid escalation of asset prices followed by a contraction

66. With the escalation of the guerrilla war inside Rhodesia, in 1973 Chung joined the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU).

67. Leaders insist that only pockets around the country support escalation, but are aware of increasing frustration that the dispute remains unsettled.

68. The Appellant has been through DOC training to handle stressful and dangerous situations he may encounter, including de-escalation tactics

69. The guidelines reflect a growing concern among ministers that the planned escalation of the programme could spark severe social tensions.

70. In the private sector, decision making can be guided and implemented by considerations that are subject to reasonably accurate escalation.

71. On the Rebound Since caffeine is relatively inexpensive and widely available, the dose escalation induced by tolerance is seldom burdensome.

72. Escalation of the Second Indochina War also had a destabilising effect on both the political situation and the Cambodian economy.

73. The February attack could mark a change of tactics which will really threaten the regime if there is an escalation.

74. All are agreed that this escalation of the 36-year-long civil war will mean a marked increase in deaths.

75. In fire protection, an Accelerant is any substance or mixture that accelerates or speeds the development and escalation of fire

76. Barratry is the illegal instigation or escalation of a dispute or lawsuit by an attorney in order to profit from legal fees

77. Perhaps the greatest cause of shrinking wildlife habitat is the escalation of technological power while economic development is also being accelerated.

78. The escalation of the Portland protests came as unidentified federal officers in paramilitary uniforms were caught on tape Abducting protesters and as …

79. In South Asia, an abrupt escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan during the first half of 2002 created great international anxiety.

80. While the escalation of prices in food has abated somewhat, the damage has been done and structural issues persist, affecting the poor more severely.